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IMD3901: Milestone 9

Nabeeha Ali

Final Submission!

This week, our group was completing our finishing touches in order to get ready for our final submission. For me, this meant focusing on perfecting the basket feature and decorating all land environments to make them as accurate as possible to the history of Mohawk culture.


A challenge i faced this week was fixing some bugs with the basket feature. After a lot of testing using different scenarios, I discovered that the transition to the next canoe scene was visually disturbed if the user left their basket open when collecting their last artifact. It was a lot of trial and error, but I managed to fine-tune the timing of the animations and fade effect so that if the user's basket was opened upon transitioning to the next scene, the basket would force close in order to display the text indicating that the player is ready to move on. The adjustment of the timing allowed for the player to still have time to open their basket just to double-check that they have everything before moving on in the journey.


A success I had this week was being able to update all of the basket elements in each of the time periods. Since I had modularized my code from last week, this made it really easy to implement. As I took the screenshots below, I began to notice that the pre-contact and preset scenes look almost too visually similar, which may need some refinement before the final submission.




Next Steps

The next step for me is to implement this basket into Ethan's canoe scenes. We planned it out in a way so that an extra 'slide' to the basket is made to show the artifacts they previously collected. This would improve the experience since the player is able to reflect on the objects they've collected while in the canoe - it essentially gives them another option for something to do in case they don't want to look around the whole time.

Number of Hours Spent: 10



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