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IMD3901: Milestone 10

Nabeeha Ali

Post Mortem

Reflecting on all of the work that has been done this last semester has made finishing this project feel bittersweet. From the multiple all-nighters to get certain functions working to nailing the little aesthetic details of each scene, I can confidently say that I'm proud of all the work that our team has put into this! It's been great to work with a real client and have that back and forth communication in order to bring their ideas to life.


While developing Canoe Journey, I found that it was challenging to trace all functions spread out in 8 scenes. Luckily partway through the project, I dedicated time to optimizing key functions so that it would be easier to track where things went wrong if something unexpected happened. Although, I did find myself near the end to be writing very inefficient code as a lot of functions are repeated in multiple files. Optimizing code hasn't come very easily to me and it's still something I'm working on as a programmer, but this project has given me a lot of experience in improving my work. It was also nice to be working alongside another programmer where we can share ideas on how we got certain elements to work.

Here is our starting screen featuring the typographic logo that I designed. I was able to do this when I was stumped on some programming and wanted a little break while still being productive.


I would say our success was not only being able to get this project done but completing it in a way that it could be professionally presentable. We were well aware of our scope going into the project and I'm glad we were able to fulfill it. I really liked how everyone's role in the group was distinct and was flexible in taking on new challenges when the opportunity came. Our workflow was also smooth with the consistent team meetings, asking for feedback, and keeping each other updated on progress. Overall, we were successful in working with one another while learning about the history of Mohawk Culture from the Iohai:io students.

Next Steps

Well now that the project is done, there aren't any more steps left for development. Maybe one thing I would consider down the line is to find a way to properly publish this on the web whether it's through or from another source.

Total Hours Spent: 115

PS to any of my groupmates reading this, it was great working with you, and hope we can together again :)



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