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IMD3901: Milestone 8

Nabeeha Ali

Functionality Adjustments and Code Optimization!

This week, our group was reflecting on our beta presentation and coming up with a list of things to do before we deliver our final product. With the amount of time left getting shorter and shorter, we are choosing to focus on putting in the most important models and code for the client. Since the primary functionalities are already done, for me it's all about refining these features to make them as presentable as possible and eventually making it headset compatible.


The main challenge I faced was getting myself back in the workflow after the beta presentation. Although I spent so much time on the project last week, this week I wanted to step away a little bit to get a refresher. When I came back to it after a couple of days of not touching Visual Studio, there was a moment where I forgot how I did what I did. I think because my code was not efficient and the naming of my variables was not the best, it was a little difficult to track how things were working. This ended up being the first thing I started to fix up. These simple changes do end up paying off in the long run, and it was about time I started doing this before the final submission.


Despite spending less time on the project, I was still able to get my tasks done for the week. I optimized my JavaScript files so that implementing the features into the remaining time periods would follow a simpler process. I figured out that any code that I was repeating in all my functions beforehand could have been replaced by inputting a parameter in the schema of the component. Then, it would just be a matter of changing the inputs when applying the component to an entity. I was also able to get a better transition from the land to the canoe by having a fade to black screen appear once the user has collected all the artifacts.

Below is an example of how I was able to condense the code for the artifact selection function.

New File:

Old File:

Next Steps

My next step is to apply the optimized code to the other time periods, which will be much easier now since I am able to focus on strictly editing the HTML file, rather than bouncing back between the HTML and JS files. I will also be working on headset compatibility and getting it to work so that I don't need to make a separate file. I remember struggling with this during Assignment 2, so we'll see how it goes this time around. With the help of another developer (Ethan), it may be easier since two brains will be tackling the same problem.

Number of Hours Spent: 6

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