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IMD3901: Milestone 1

Nabeeha Ali

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Group formation, Project topic, & Task management!

This week, we formed our teams for this project and assigned roles to each member. Our group decided to create a VR experience for the story ‘Canoe Journeys’. I am primarily responsible for programming, but I will also be helping in 3D design if needed.

“The proposed storytelling theme of the virtual reality time travel is sharing the history and stories of the Akwesasne Mohawk people.” - RFP-01: Mohawk Canoe Journey


One of the challenges we faced so far was figuring out the scope of each project, since it would help us decide on which story we wanted to pursue. Everyone in our team took some time to look through the RFPs and we brainstormed some ideas on how we could make them work in virtual reality. After talking about our approaches, we decided to push forward with the first story (Canoe Journeys) because the concept was very creative and there was a clear vision of what elements can be included. This also allowed us to start the early brainstorming process of what assets to produce and what type of functionality we want to implement.


One of our successes this week was assigning roles for each member. We have two people on the programming end and two people on the design end. With this balance, I think the workload for this project will be much easier for everyone. We were also able to set up all our shared file systems which include a Wix website for everyone’s blog posts, Git for transferring project files, Trello for backlog tasks, and Google Drive for documents. We also established our communication system which is through a Discord server, and we plan to meet weekly after the Wednesday Design Studio lecture. While these may be small successes, I feel like this sets the tone for how the remainder of the project will pan out now that everything is well organized.

Next Steps

The next step for this project would be to start working on the RFP document, which is due on February 11, 2022. Before that, we will also have to discuss the scope of this project with the students from Algonquin College. This is key to making sure that we are aware of each other’s expectations and from there, we can start looking into what functionality is required. I started brainstorming a couple of ideas which can be found below.

Idea #1

Idea #2

Number of Hours Spent: 2



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