Our main tasks this week were to decide on a story and to set up the platforms we’ll be using throughout the term. We decided on the canoe journey story, and were able to set up our GitHub, blog, Discord, Trello, and shared drive. We’re using GitHub to collaborate once the development process begins, Wix to upload our weekly blog updates, Trello to keep track of our tasks, Discord for easy communication, and Google Drive for our documentation. In addition, we decided to meet every Wednesday to provide updates, discuss the next steps, and any issues. We also decided on who will cover more programming-related tasks versus design-related tasks. The roles are:
- Design Team: Amy Truong, Avery Smith
- Backend Team: Nabeeha Ali, Ethan McIntyre
Although we haven’t encountered any major challenges yet, we had some trouble finalizing the story we wanted to do. We were leaning towards Canoe Journey or the Sacred Meeting Place. We agreed that the canoe journey experience would be interesting to work on, but were unsure given its large scope. At the same time, we found that the main idea & including potential components to show in the story were helpful in creating a vision for our project. In the end, we decided on doing the canoe journey story, but are hoping to discuss the scope of the project with the students.
We were successfully able to set up our blog, GitHub, Trello, Discord, and shared drive while in our first meeting. Our first meeting went well, we all got along and were able to share ideas and highlight any potential concerns.
Next Steps
In terms of the next steps, we plan on fleshing out what aspects of the story we could include given the time we have to work on the project. This will require communicating with the Iohahi:io students to better understand the vision they have. After this step, we can work on creating concept art and mood boards to get a better picture of the VR experience. We've added some tasks onto the Trello board, but plan on organizing by task type when our project timeline is established
