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IMD3901 Milestone 08



Progress this week was a bit slower this week following the beta. I mainly focused on creating 2D assets for the artifacts. One change from the previous milestone is that Avery will be working on the longhouse instead of me. This change gave me more time to work on the 2D illustrations.


I didn’t encounter any major challenges this week. But some minor challenges I had included not being satisfied with the outcome of the 2D assets I was working on. This included the cow horn rattle and present-day lacrosse stick. To overcome these challenges, it was a matter of trial and error. After adjusting playing around with the shapes in Adobe Illustrator, I eventually was happy with the final product.


My main success this week was finishing all the 2D assets (though there might be a few more to draw later). This included the water drum, rattle, pottery, and three lacrosse sticks. The process of creating these assets went smoothly. I started off by sketching all of the artifacts in Procreate and brought them into Adobe Illustrator to create vector drawings.

Next Steps

For the next week, I’ll work on the 3D models for the rattle and water drum. I also want to discuss any other assets our team wants to add to improve the overall experience. We’ll also have to work on improving the UI of some screens.

Number of Hours Spent on Project: 4h



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