Over the past two weeks, our team’s goals consisted of modelling objects that make up the basic environment such as trees and plants, as well as items/artifacts that are necessary for the experience such as the canoe and lacrosse sticks. On the programming end, we were working on the player inventory, player movement, and water animations. During reading week, we received feedback from the Iohahi:io students. Overall, the presentation was well-received. They suggested adding marine life and wildlife, as well as adding Mohawk translations for text, and having more interaction rather than narration. For the trees, they wanted to see more pine and cedar trees.
It was a bit of a learning curve finding a style I wanted to go with for the low poly models. There was some trial and error when sculpting the shapes, and I scrapped and restarted the process a few times before I was happy with the outcome. It was helpful to look at inspiration photos online, but because I’ve never done 3D low poly modelling, I tried to figure out a way to model the trees efficiently (and be satisfied with the outcome). Now that I’ve gotten past the learning curve, it’ll be easier for me to model the rest of the artifacts and environmental components.
I was able to work on building some low poly 3D models to use for our environment. Specifically, I worked on a few types of trees and tree trunks that we could use. Additionally, I created a colour palette with a few of the colours picked based on the design comps. This will help me as I colour in the low poly models.

Next Steps
For the next steps, I plan to continue working on the trees as well as bushes and rocks. In addition, as suggested by the Iohahi:io students, I want to work on looking for/making 3D models of wildlife. I think having living creatures and movement would be an important step in bringing the environment to life.