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IMD3901 Milestone 03

Writer: ethansndrmcethansndrmc

This week our team worked on completing the project proposal document and alpha presentation. Completing both of these assignments has helped us further solidify our plans for our project, and have allowed for us to begin transitioning into actual development work.


The main challenges that I have faced this week have involved looking into approaches for various key features in our project. Specifically, I've started on looking into ways to restrict player movement and find ways to transition between scenes. Both of these are important parts of our project, as keeping the player within specific boundaries will be important in both canoe and land sections, and there many scenes that we will need to transition between. So far, the biggest issue of the two has been finding an adequate way to restrict player movement. It has been difficult to decide on what approach is best capable of accommodating both movement in VR and desktop. There are many solutions available, but finding one that will work for both VR and desktop's mode of movement will be important. Scene transitions have been more fruitful, but more work still needs to be done to find a way to make the transition less jarring.


Our two submissions this week were both very successful. Our project proposal document was very detailed, and I think it really helped us nail down what our project goals are specifically. The presentation also turned out great. Our team was able to present everything in a very concise manner, effectively outlining our proposed project.

As far as individual successes go, I have had good luck finding included a-frame resources and open-source components to help tackle general development problems such as limiting the player's view distance in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, and finding an approach to hand-tracking.

Next Steps

Moving forward, I will be focusing primarily o continue to researching and developing ways to restrict player movement as it will be very important for the reasons mentioned earlier. Additionally, I will also be continuing work on scene transitions and will start working with the a-ocean component for our water animation.


An example of a nav mesh in a-frame, a potential method of limiting where the player's movement.

Time Spent: 12hrs



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