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IMD3901 Milestone 02

Writer: ethansndrmcethansndrmc

Overview This week we worked to futher develop our plans for the term project. After meeting with the students behind the Mowhawk Canoe Journey we were able to both better understand the goals of the project and help narrow down scope. Our team met twice this week, once to discuss our plans for how we would approach the project with the new information from the students and another time to begin work on the project proposal.

Challenges Our currently primary struggle is still deciding on the scope of the project. While we have made progress in narrowing down scope thanks to the meeting with the students, there is still work to be done on deciding what artifacts should be prioritized should time contraints restrict what we're able to implement.


The meeting with students was greatly beneficial in helping our team narrow down how we should approach the term project. During our team meeting after the meeting with the students we were quickly able to get on the same page. We were able to narrow down how we would split up the portions of the story, such as using the canoe as a vehicle to transport the user between time periods. Additionally, we also discussed using a low-poly art style to both ensure a cohesive visual aethetic, and hopefully expedite the creation of assets. Next Steps

Our next goal will be completing the project proposal document and alpha presen

tation. Following that, our group will finally begin work on development. As a developer, this will mean beginning work on building some key features likely using primitve a-frame objects as placeholders.


A collection of traditional lacrosse sticks, an artifact that a student identified as important.

Number of hours: 3 hrs



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