This week, we were able to further develop our experience based on the meeting with the Iohahi:io students. After meeting with them, we discussed how the user would go through the virtual experience, and how they would interact with elements around them. We held two meetings this week. One on February 2nd to talk about the new information we got, and one on February 7th to work on the project proposal.
We encountered some difficulties when trying to plan out the scope given the time we have. Because the experience is meant to be a linear timeline showing the Akwesasne Mohawks pre-contact, post-contact, and present, there are a lot of artifacts to consider putting in. We had trouble narrowing
the scope and figuring out how to represent the history and stories of the Mohawk people without removing important artifacts. Additionally, we’re currently working on the project proposal, and are trying to nail down specific dates and goals. This will require further discussion with the team.
We were able to finalize our story this week and figure out what the user can interact with in the experience. When they’re on the canoe, it’ll be more of a viewing experience, and when they’re in different areas representing pre-contact, post-contact, and present, they can interact with and manipulate artifacts. We also looked at components we could use once the development process begins, such as a-ocean. We briefly discussed the art style we want to go for when building the virtual experience, and all liked the idea of using low-poly 3D models.
I put together an environment moodboard to gauge the colours, art style, and ambience of the scene.

Next Steps
For next steps, we plan to finish writing our project proposal and our alpha presentation video. Once these tasks are done, we plan on starting the development process. For our developers, that means working on the layout and user interactions. For the 3D artists, we plan on starting to build assets.