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IMD3901: Milestone 10

Avery Smith


Overall, this whole experience in working with the Iohai:io students and making their vision come to life has been a pleasure. We have been able to connect with them in multiple meetings to refine details and receive feedback on our proposal and alpha presentation which helped incredibly.


Thankfully, there were not as many challenges as you would think with such a large project. The only challenge experience was near the beginning of the planning phase when we had to narrow the scope to set out on a reasonable pace to complete as much as we could. It was easy to see from the beginning our fellow students passion of their heritage as we were flooded with as much information we could ask for, so Group 1's Canoe Journey was the easy choice. We figured it was easier to refine and ask them to pick the top priorities for us to get a hold of before focusing on smaller details, rather than not have enough info and be scavenging for more.


The biggest success we had was being able to fulfill said scope! I think once we were able to iron out all the priorities, the rest was smooth sailing. Aside from the whole school aspect of this project and the 3D Modeling/Programming, it was also very beneficial for my own knowledge as I have learned so much about their history with all the information and stories they provided, our meetings, their feedback, and my own research I did on the subject, was like an added bonus, for which I am very grateful to have been apart of.


Here's all the water assets I created:

And here's all the land assets I created:

Total hours spent: 60hrs



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