This week, our group ended up completing all of our main goals. Now its just a matter of putting the finishing touches on and extras details to enhance the user experience.
One of the problems we had in our canoe scene was the water clipping through the canoe. A workaround I came up with was to raise the front seat and make a basket to put their to take up the empty space to help block the view of the canoe floor.
Lots of progress made this week. All our main artifacts are complete for each time period, now we're just focusing on extra assets and details to set the scenes and make each time period represent Mohawk culture accurately

Broken longhouse:

Another small detail was texturing the lacrosse sticks:

Older lacrosse sticks were made out of wood and hickory, whereas today they are made out of aluminum, plastic, and waxed string.
Next Steps
The last few details to finish up will consist of extra details for the background like skylines and such, as well as loading the assets into our AFrame environment.
Number of hours spent: 6